Rekey Locks After Car Theft Recovery

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Why you should rekey your car after theft recovery

If your car was stolen and recovered, you may have thought it was just a matter of getting the car back and calling it a day. But there's one more thing you should do: rekey your locks. Why?

Change the locks

If you are planning on rekeying your car after theft recovery, it's also a good idea to change the locks. This is fairly inexpensive and easy, so there's no need to delay it. Keyway Locksmith can provide you with a new set of keys and a key fob.

Rekey Locks - It's easy and affordable to implement

By calling Keyway Locksmith you don’t need to worry about the installation process. Plus, most insurance companies will cover the cost of a new lock set. In addition to helping prevent theft, rekeying your car can also help protect it against damage due to vandalism or tampering.

Once you have a new set of keys made, it’s important that you keep them in a safe place. If someone has access to your old keys and knows where they match up with the lock on your car’s door panels and ignition cylinder, they could easily start stealing from or damaging your vehicle again—especially if you don’t know they're out there!

You'll be more at ease

You’ll be more at ease

It’s hard to relax and enjoy your car when you feel like it could be stolen at any moment. Once you rekey your car after theft recovery, however, you can rest easy knowing that there is a much higher level of security in place. You can sit back and enjoy the ride from now on!

Many thieves get around with the same keys they stole

Many thieves are not only able to get into your car, but they can also open it again. This is because many cars have the same key, or at least a spare on the key fob. If you've had your car stolen, there's a good chance that it was locked with one of these keys.

Many people don't think about this until after their vehicle has been stolen and recovered. At that point, they realize that anyone who had access to those keys could return later and steal another vehicle with them!

Fixing the locks on your car after a theft is a simple but important step in protecting yourself.

The first step to protecting your car is to change the locks. If you have a keyless entry system, keep in mind that thieves can easily access your car's key fob in seconds with a relatively cheap device that tricks it into thinking it's a real owner trying to open the door. You should also ensure that you have the right key for any lock on your vehicle and keep track of that key—don't share it with anyone else.

You should never leave spare keys in the car or any other place where they're easy for someone else to find. In addition, always lock all doors when exiting a vehicle and always keep them locked while driving!

Rekeying your car after theft recovery is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself. This simple step will make it harder for thieves to get into your car, which means they’ll have less opportunity to steal from you again in the future. And if they do manage an illegal entry, then at least you won’t have any more keys that work!

If you’re in the DC metro area and are in need of a rekey service due to theft recovery call Keyway Lock Service. We are your trusted locksmith in the DC metro area and have been serving all of Washington DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia for over 40 years. Our automotive locksmith services include:

  • Theft Recovery Re-Keys
  • Locks Repaired
  • Car Door Unlocking
  • Chip Keys Programmed
  • Emergency Lock Outs
  • Locks Changed
  • Ignitions Repaired or Replaced
  • Keys Made
  • Locks Re-Keyed
  • Transponder Keys Made
  • Trunks Unlocked or Opened and more.